Sunday, May 1, 2016

Hamilton Island, Whitsundays and the Reef

This week has been our first real holiday week since we came except for the Xmas and New Year in Sydney. We went to Hamilton Island to explore the iconic Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef.

On Hamilton Island, which is the main tourist resort place in the area no common cars are allowed. instead everybody drives Golf buggies so the main entertainment is to race around with those. 
Good fun!

Unfortunately we were quite unlucky with the weather during our stay. Windy and rainy it was. The experience from the reef was more about surviving in high waves than finding extraordinary fish or corals. 

Maybe it would have paid off to dive instead of snorkeling but also for the divers the sight wasn't that good due to the water motion. And from what we heard noone saw any turtles or sharks.
On the way back the waves was even higher and the "Sea flu" started to spread on the boat. People were throwing up everywhere but at least the Krusenvik's made it without.  The staff however did a great job to look after all vomating guys and actually seemed to have quite fun?! The statistical base is of course small but it seems asian people have worse "sea legs" than european.
We saw the same pattern the day after when we went to Whitehaven beach, known to be the most beautiful in Australia. Well we have only seen it in heavy rain so we might not have got a really fair view but it wasn't that fantastic. At least the wind wasn't that bad that day but still some asians got sea sick on the boat.

On Hamilton Island (and generally in Australia) there are lots of cockatoos. So instead of the pigeons at home these show up when you're having a picnic or sitting on the balcony
All in all, despite of the weather, we had a good week with good food, some swimming and exciting experiences.

And we learned the diver's sign for "Yes, I'm okey"  :)

 Our hotel was the big building to the right

 View over the marina

View from the balcony
