Sunday, September 11, 2016


Before leaving Sweden I got a mission. To find out if the water swirls CW or CCW when emptying a basin or bath tube in Australia and if that is different compared to Europe.
Everybody knows that it is that way, not true?
But there are a lot of things that everybody knows... but still are not true. For example everybody knows you get cramps if you swim to close after eating. A couple of years ago I found that this was known only in Sweden, i e it's simply not true. Also "all" people knows it safe to sit in a car during thunderstorms as it stands on rubber wheels. Well, it actually is safe but has nothing to do with the rubber.
So back to the waterswirls. Before leaving Sweden I made some sample tests. I actually found that the swirls in a small majority of the trials were spinning clockwise.
Having done the same tests down under I can not see any obvious pattern. It seems to be more randomly.
So my only conclusion is that I can not confirm the theory. It might be true but then only if you do a large amount of samples under different conditions.
True anyway is that the sun moves the other way in the sky which feels a bit strange in the beginning. Of course it rises in the east but then since it actually moves on the northern part of the sky it moves counterclockwise. Yes it's obvious if you think about it but still feels a bit odd.
Another thing is that the star constellations when you look up in the night looks completely different from the northern hemisphere. There are much more stars here and no Big Dipper (Karlavagnen)
