Sunday, February 23, 2020


Australias oldest stone bridge. Built by convicts.

Many years ago I saw a TV program about Tasmania. Think it was produced by some UK channel. Tasmania was portraited as close to paradise that you can come as I remember it. I recall I was thinking that I have to go there one day. And that day came! Last weekend in January included Australia day which meant one day extra off and a perfect opportunity to spend a long weekend in Tasmania.

Every Saturday Salamanca market is on in Hobart

Here in mainland Australia there are quite many jokes going around about Tassie, as it's called, due to a small population on an island and hence suspected inbreeding. Also Tassie was where the Brits sent their worst convicts back in the days.
So I couldn't wait to meet those banjo playing people with 6 fingers and two heads.
Jokes aside, I went there with high expectations on beautiful nature and friendly relaxed people.
Hobart is the Capital of Tassie, which is an own state in Australia, and that;s where I landed and picked up my rental car. Hobart turned out to be a nice average size city with quite many heritage buildings from the 1800's.

There are many old charming buildings in Hobart
Unfortunately the more modern buildings lack any happiness in their design.

The newer ones though are more ugly...
Mt Wellington in the background!

Just concrete square boxes which is a pity, similar to many swedish cities rebuilt in the 50's and 60's. Outside Hobart is Mt Wellington point, a 1271m high mountain that is a must to visit. There is actually a paved road all the way up to the very top! The stupid swede, who should probably have been the one to know, didn't realise that it was going to be ten degrees colder on the top than down in the city and quite windy, so he entered the summit in shorts and t-shirt! Not a good idea but you just have to smile and pretend you have it under control. On the other hand it was funny to see all the Chinese with full Mount Everest equipment covered from top to toe. After all it was 12-13 degrees so just a normal jacket would have been enough. Anyway, the views were breathtaking.

The freezing Swede at Mt Wellington with Hobart behind

After a day in Hobart with surroundings I spent next day travelling north along the mountains and did some bushwalking in a national park (That's the main thing you're supposed to do in Tasmania) A good experience with some nice waterfalls and giant trees.

Local bushwalking friend


More bushwalking

Even more bushwalking

Then continued north in various landscapes to finally reach Launceston where I spent the second night. Launceston was a quite nice small city with good restaurants and some old colonial buildings in the city centre. Last day before going home I went for a drive along the River Tamar that leads to the Tasmanian Sea. On the way I visited the Swiss village which I thought was a real village created by immigrated Swiss people wanting to live like home. Unfortunately it turned out to be just a tourist resort, lol.

The Swiss village

I also visited an old gold mine which was quite interesting. It was actually only in service for about 10 years in the gold rush days before closed down.

From the gold mine
The gold mine in Beaconsfield
So to summarise Tassie. It is a nice island with more varied nature than I expected. Along the west coast there is a mountain range with many opportunities for bushwalking. In the central parts there are a lot of lakes very popular for fishing. In the northern part there is more of an agricultural landscape. Add to that nice and not too big cities like Hobart and Launceston in combination with the colonial heritage and you could easily spend a week here.

If you ever go to Hobart you must go here for lunch

And this is what you should order. The most delicious Seafood chowder
No visit to Tasmania is complete without visiting Australias first suspension bridge :)

Sunday, February 16, 2020


Secluded beach on Efate

My christmas holiday trip continued to Vanuatu. Vanuatu is one of more than a dozen island countries in the South Pacific and one that can be reached directly from Australia.

Most tourists probably arrives with cruise ships and stay for a day or two but there are also flights. One issue with many island countries, not only in the pacifics, is the difficulties getting around. In the case of Vanuatu which consist of about 80 islands where about a dozen can be considered inhabited it is time consuming and expensive to get around. There are not even regular boat routes so you have to fly. Hence with my short time limit I stayed on the main island Efate where the capital Port Vila is located and also the international airport. Unfortunately that meant I missed out on what's maybe considered the main attraction, island Tanna with it's active volcano.

I would never miss a local market

Obviously there are different qualities of pineapples but not easy to tell by the looks

Since I arrived in Port Vila I stayed my first nights there. Another reason was that since new years eve was coming on I thought I would like to be somewhere with some kind of party. Port Vila turned out to be a quite hectic but a bit worn down city. No beaches and not really any other attractions. Still, like with the other places I've been to in the Pacifics it feels very safe. Vanuatu markets themselves as "the happiest people in the world"  (hmmm I thought that was the Danes...) and although many of them are quite poor you don't see any beggars and they live island style meaning they take every new day as it comes.
Accommodation experience close to a prison cell and it was bloody hot!
I learned that the family/village traditions called kastom is still very strong and it's a familys responsibility to take care of all members, no matter poverty, mental disorders etc. Since the population is not enormous, about 275 000, almost everybody has relatives all around which means that wherever you go there will be someone obliged to take care of you.
Also the traditional kastom laws are still very important and in case they conflict with the federal law most people would consider kastom superior.

Welcome to the kastom village!

A funny app is always popular. This Aussie guy had one that showed the kids live with hats and mustaches

From a tourist point of view the city changes totally when there are cruise ship days. Imagine a ship with 4000 people coming in. I couldn't even find someone who was interested in taking me around the island (since I was alone) until a cruise came in.
The hotel I stayed at cancelled their new years celebration so I went to a resort instead which I later regret a bit.
Arriving to new years celebration

Not bad but I felt a bit bored among the Aussie and NZ families. Should probably have  celebrated with the locals instead. There was an incredible noise on the streets that night. Everybody had a trumpet similar to the vuvuzelas used at soccer world cup in South Africa. On the way back that night I saw many guys totally stoned. I later learned they use a mix of kava (the local "drug" made from roots), home made alcohol from coconuts and marijuana) No violence though.
On new years day I moved away from Vila to a small island resort, for a few relaxing days which gave me the right pacific feeling.
Relaxed island life

I also made a roundtrip on the island to see the main attractions and visit a local village.

Blue lagoon is a main attraction

I'm still not sure she's dressed like this when the tourists are gone...

So what's the summary of Vanuatu? Well, after my visits to Samoa and Fiji three years ago I had very high expectations. From that perspective I was a bit disappointed. I had a great time but didn't feel the same magic. The people are lovely. Extremely nice and friendly. I'm also sure there are heaps of things to experience if you go to other, more quiet islands, so the tip would be to not stay longer than necessary in Vila. But that's the thing, it is difficult to get around. Samoa with only two islands is so much easier and in Fiji there is a much more developed infrastructure with a fast ferry to many of the islands.

In every water there was someone swimming. Vanuatu people obviously love to be in the water no matter if it's the sea or a small river


Saturday, January 18, 2020

New Caledonia

My local beach
So for xmas and New years I this time travelled to New Caledonia and Vanuatu. Two island countries in the South Pacific. Well, Caledonia is technically not a country since it is still under french control but since they have their own currency and own flag I consider it a country. This post will be about New Caledonia.
Sun goes down also in New Caledonia
When you hear New Caledonia you might think... well at least I did... so where is then the old or original Caledonia? It turns out that it is actually an old name for Scotland. Obviously the first europeans who came thought it looked a bit like Scotland. The french made it their colony. When the brits send their convicts to Australia and New Zealand the french sent their to NC. It turned out there was also lots of Nickel here which has made the country rich. As with Aussie and NZ the government wanted people to move here to build up the country so many frenchmen also moved here voluntarily. The french today is the largest group of the population.

Riviera feeling 1

As a tourist destination you get struck by four things
- It's rediciously expensive
Food and drinks as well as taxi is about 50% above Australia

- It's very well developed 
Roads, buildings, cars, buses. All is modern
Riviera feeling 2

- It's very french
The feeling you get here is actually not being on a secluded south pacific island but rather being on the Mediterranean riviera. Lots of exclusive boats, people speak french, signs are in french and even most of the food have a french touch.

Riviera feeling 3

- People seem happy
The original ethnicity, the kanaks, are often gathered in big groups on the beach or in a park, always seeming to having a good time. Although they do have lower incomes and higher unemployment rates there are no beggars and it feels extremely safe on the streets.
Locals in the central park of Noumea

Always important to make friends with the locals

Day trip to Amadee Island for some pacific feeling

I like when the local beer has a name that is easy to remember!
To me NC was a "been there done that" place. Nothing wrong, not at all. But also not a place you would fall in love with

Another of my new local friends!! A bit shy though..


Sunday, December 22, 2019

Merry Christmas!!!

Don't touch! This one is mine only!

Ever heard about Trifle?? That's the dessert on the picture. Might be something to bring home to Sweden.

Christmas day today and TV is, and have been for a few days, full of christmas shows and parades. I'm still a bit confused about their fascination for everything that has to do with winter.
There are snowmen, snow landscapes, reindeers, father christmas in winter clothes and millions of christmas trees of a type that wouldn't even grow here. The european heritage is strong 😀

It's still burning. The bush fires are the worst ever and this week two fire fighters lost their lives. An extra thought at Christmas celebrations to those who continue their brave work over the holidays.

Myself is today going away for a pacific holiday. At 4.10 pm I'm off to New Caledonia!

This was obviously popular so here it comes again with another video! Aussie Jingle Bells!


Sunday, December 15, 2019

In a rusty Holden ute!

It's christmas time. Or chrissie as they of course say here. And although there is summer and a normal day is around 30 degrees celsius the decoratios are all about Santas, snow, reindeers and snowmen. It feels a bit weird to start with but you get used to it.

Christmas trees and decorations in every store
A somewhat kitchy reindeer

Xmas holidays here are a bit like our summer holidays at home. You are more or less forced, or at least expected to take a few weeks off.
They don't celebrate xmas eve like we do in Sweden, it's actually a normal working day. Xmas day is the big thing but also boxing day is a public holiday.
One big difference in the xmas food here is that they eat a lot of seafood. Besides the ham (that doesn't taste at all like our marinated swedish, you got to have loads of prawns.
Santa looks happy. Wonder why...

In Brisbane there is a xmas parade in the city every night during december which is very popular.
Angels in the parade
And finally... Santa himself!

Also every night there is an animated film that is projected on the town hall building. This year about a koala searching for the christmas spirit, together with his friends, a kookaburra bird and a kangaroo.
Animated movie on the town hall

I'll leave you with the Australian version of Jingle Bells, really fun lyrics actually! For you not familiar with Australian cars, Holden was an Australian car maker that unfortunately closed down manufacturing in October 2017. (Strangely enough same month as I left last time...)

In a rusty Holden ute


Sunday, December 8, 2019

A stinker week

It's been hot in Queensland. Well, actually in entire Australia. This week started off at around 32 degrees here in Brisbane and then got warmer by the day until the peak was reached yesterday at 39.
We actually topped the leaderboard among the bigger cities as you can see on the map.
Luckily it has been a very dry heat this time. Relative humidity has been around 10% which makes the heat bearable.
Yesterday it was even a little bit windy which gives you the funny feeling of walking with a giant big hairdryer blowing your face.

But the best way to spend such days is of course by the beach or the pool, which I chose.

The haziness in the pic comes from the bushfires around that unfortunately don't get better from the dry windy heat. In fact the bushfires is still a massive disaster and we don't see an end of it.

This coming week will be cooler going back to more normal temperatures. Today we might get a thunderstorm with hopefully some rain

Tonight I'm going to a xmas party arranged by the swedish club here in Brisbane. Looking forward to some nice food. Hope they have Jansson!


ps Stinker is aussie slang for a very hot day...

Sunday, December 1, 2019

A car! ...and the Bee Gees

This week I picked up the little pearl on these pictures. Hope we're gonna be best friends for a a while

There are a few issues. A chirping sound from the engine when on idle made me think I had a bird under the bonnet but none flew out when I opened...
The power window on the driver side will not last long I'm afraid. Don't dare to open it as I'm not sure it will be possible to close one more time.
Those things need to be fixed but otherwise it seems to be driving ok. No surprises.

So this weekend of course we went on a road trip, my blue friend and I. Redcliffe became the selected destination. Redcliffe is, besides being a quite nice little town by the sea, known for it's many fish restaurants and Yabbey Road is said to have the best Fish and Chips in the Brisbane region.

It's just a little hole in the wall but obviously very popular. The F&C was served in paper just as the tradition dictates. The fish was perfectly cooked and very yummy. Not sure about the fries though. Thought they had a bit bitter taste

Redcliffe's big sons are the Bee Gees. Well, actually they were from the UK but the family emigrated to Australia and they were living in Redcliffe when they got their break through. Haha, I always thought they were Californian...
Anyway, in Redcliffe they have got their own laneway with pictures, information and statues.

On the way up along the coast I passed Shorncliffe with the pier and Sandgate. As you can see it was a quite windy day although the temperature was +31 !
