Sunday, December 22, 2019

Merry Christmas!!!

Don't touch! This one is mine only!

Ever heard about Trifle?? That's the dessert on the picture. Might be something to bring home to Sweden.

Christmas day today and TV is, and have been for a few days, full of christmas shows and parades. I'm still a bit confused about their fascination for everything that has to do with winter.
There are snowmen, snow landscapes, reindeers, father christmas in winter clothes and millions of christmas trees of a type that wouldn't even grow here. The european heritage is strong 😀

It's still burning. The bush fires are the worst ever and this week two fire fighters lost their lives. An extra thought at Christmas celebrations to those who continue their brave work over the holidays.

Myself is today going away for a pacific holiday. At 4.10 pm I'm off to New Caledonia!

This was obviously popular so here it comes again with another video! Aussie Jingle Bells!


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