Sunday, October 13, 2019

So here I am again! Brisbane, the lovliest city of Oz. And I'm more dizzy than ever LOL.
As you probably are guessing, I have decided to emigrate to Australia for another period.
This is going to be so fun!
Arrived in Brisbane yesterday to find that some things have changed but also that some things that were supposed to be finished have still not been. More about that in a later post.

I started the journey a week ago with the intention to get som holiday along the way but also to cure jetlag before starting work. Seems to have been a god investment. Fell asleep at midnight last night and woke up 8am this morning 😊

Jetlag was mainly cured in Bali and on the way there I made a short stopover in Qatar.

Qatar is a strange place, like the other little oil states in middle east. It feels artificial, like being in some sort of theme park. And actually that's not strange since almost everything has been built up in the last decades. 50 years ago Qatars main source of income was fishing.
E.g all streets are wide, often with many lanes and no real traffic issues. And this is of cource since the city was costructed from scrsatch that way and not by evolving from narrow lanes like in many other places.

I really wonder what will happen when Greta's mission is over and the demand for oil is gone. Will they go back to fishing?

And exchange their Ferraris back to camels.

Below are some pictures from Doha, Qatar. Tomorrow I will tell you more about Bali.

Since I travelled with Qatar airlines there was of course a Mecca pointer in their entertainment system!


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