Sunday, November 17, 2019

Whatever happened to Karl and Lisa?

Today we're gonna look a bit into Australian celebrities. Things have changed while I've been away.
Let's start with TV.
Karl and Lisa
The most popular morning show, at least in Queensland, has for many years been channel 9's "Today Show". I watched it every day (and still do) when having breakfast before going to work. The Today how was hosted by Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson, a dynamic duo that successfully had run this program together for 10 years. Karl, the cheeky, good looking party guy who sometimes said things a bit thoughtless but always could hide it behind a charming smile and then Lisa, a bit older and more mature but very charming, They complemented each other in a great way. And then they had a third side kick, Sylvia Jeffreys, who presented news, weather etc. Ah Sylvia so cool, so beautiful, so charming, so sexy...
Sylvia Jeffreys
So I looked forward to watch the show again now two years later. But what! None of them are there anymore!! Replaced! It's not the same thing!!
So I have of course made some investigation and this is my take of what happened. It started with Lisa. She found out that she was only paid half of what Karl was, got pissed and claimed doubled salary. She got a no for answer and left more or less same day for another channel. Karl kept running the show with a new side kick but the number of viewers started to decline. Then, as the party boy he is, he left his wife for a younger woman. The audience kept declining. Finally, last year he married the new woman and arranged a super expensive party at some jet set destination in USA.
Then channel 9 got enough and kicked him out as his lifestyle was not corresponding to channel 9 basic values.
The new co-host, Allison Langdon

Fair enough, but for some reason they also kicked out his brother Peter, who was also working for the same channel and who had now married Sylvia Jeffreys... Did you get that one? So she decided to leave as well...
This was in the end of last year. And what has happened with the audience? Declining even faster.
So what does channel 9 do? Please sit down and take a deep breath now...

They beg on their bare knees for Karl to come back!!  😂😂😂
So next year Karl will return to the Today show.
With a new co-host, i.e not any of the three that hosts the show now.

Georgie Gardner
And the story doesn't end there. Those three are now two. Because about a week ago the third one, Georgie Gardner suddenly wasn't there one morning and the other poor two had to explain that she had left her job and wasn't coming back. Rumours say that she and Karl didn't get along....

Where is Georgie today? Deb and Tom explains
I was planning to also give you an update on Australian politicians , because also there things have changed but that will have to wait...


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